From the customer’s idea, we give life to concrete solutions designed ad hoc on the basis of their needs: this is the daily commitment of the Creativity & Design and Research & Development divisions of Lux Italia.
The company’s vocation for high quality, guaranteed by the craftsmanship of made in Italy products, has led the company to be proactive with respect to the customized needs of the client: not only a large collection of standard products, present in the catalogue, but a much broader and more complex vision of creative and structural needs, which has pushed inventiveness and production beyond its limits.
Over the years, it is precisely from some customized projects – a constant source of inspiration and a challenge to the market for Lux Italia – that new products in the catalogue have been born. Therefore, there is no boundary to possibilities: each project is enhanced with the same commitment reserved for national and international markets. To create these customized solutions, Lux Italia makes use of a team of experts who work side by side in the various construction steps with a single final goal: THRILL.